Deplorable Mayang Imphal Hospital
Photo Courtesy: Chaoba Phuritshabam, April, 2008
Recent medical scandal involving Dr. Chourjit reminds me of my personnel experience of dealing with the doctors in Manipur. What is in the attitude of the doctors in Manipur is need to be analyzed & rectify to stop further such incidents of death of the patients in the hospitals due to doctor’s negligence.
Should we ask the patients to be patient with their doctors so that doctors attend them in the hospital? If you are from far flung village and you have no X, Y, Z relatives then your life has no value to our doctors. Even consulting a doctor to cure your inflicted body is again a struggle if you don’t possess any branded personality. Villages are deprived of hospitals and even if there is hospital there is no doctor. If there is hospital there are no equipments to cure a disease. Sometime there is no more trace of hospital building.
Whose fault is this anyway?
Photo Courtesy: Chaoba Phuritshabam, April, 2008
Photo Courtesy: Chaoba Phuritshabam, April, 2008
Politicians directly deposit money to upgrade the govt. hospitals in their pockets and doctors are having a good time earning huge bucks in their private clinic in addition to govt. salary. What is the difference between a contractor (thikadar) and a doctor in Manipur?
There is no difference with respect to the fraud, cheat and being a responsible figure who are consuming the public funds to build their own building. They charge fees ranging from Rs. 200 to 500 in their private clinic. Their daily income is not less than 10 to 20 thousand. No doctors are available in the govt. hospitals if you wish to consult them but only in the private clinic in their home and the private hospitals. Why are they holding a govt. post and occupy the post if they wish to earn from the private clinic? In the city like Delhi, doctors who are working in the govt. clinic are not allowed to collaborate with the private hospitals and open their own clinic. Why is our state govt. not implementing such policy in the state to correct such money minded doctors who are blocking the way of upcoming junior doctors too? Also the trend of referring a patient admitted in the govt. hospital to the private clinic to earn more bucks is not new in Manipur.
But who cares and who have ever put up a complaint against such doctors? Here comes the failure of public being so fair and promoting the malpractice of their duty. Why are the public not using the platform of media to explore such doctors so that they can at least prevent repeating such act in future? The reason for us landing today in such terrible administrative break down is because of our negligence and lack of public scrutiny too.
How much they want to earn using their skill and profession is their democratic right and we should not give a damn concern about it. But the malpractice of the profession and misusing their power should be stopped by the govt. to improve the degraded health system in Manipur by implementing new policy. Why are parents in Manipur crazy of medical profession as a career option for their children? Let’s ask few of them- is it only the value of profession which attract them to choose a career or is the way of making money by a doctor attract a parent to become their child a doctor? No doubt, there may be genuine cases of someone really wish to serve the people and obey to the Hippocratic Oath they have taken to practice medicine ethically. Our doctors seem to forget their Hippocratic Oath or humanism on the process making money. Let's sing them again the jingle of the Hippocratic oath....!!!
I must apprecaite the media in Manipur that one of such doctor are exploreed in media glare and it will be an alarming warning to other doctors too who think that they are favoring a patient by treating them but not a duty for them. But public also needs to change how they would react to such incidents to prevent any involuntarily lost to other patients who are residing in the same hospital. Following the same incident, one of my friend told me that Langol view clinic was shut down by the protestors. My friend aunt was in the same hospital undergoing an operation on the same fateful day and she had to transfer in another hospital as the hospital has to shut down. We need to learn the handling of an issue in a legal way whatsoever bad or terrible our legal system is. Lodging a compliant against the concern doctor and submitting memorandum to CM etc are legal way of dealing the issue but it is disheartening sometime while such protests harm another helpless patient.
Sometime what surprises me is our perception.We notice only militants with visible instruments as responsible for destroying our society? What about the teachers in the govt. schools who only collects slary from the govt. but never come to teach while sending their kids to the private schools? What about the engineers who are depositing public money to their pockets? And what about the doctors, bureaucrats & politicians? Aren’t they responsible?
I don’t see any difference between the militants and such public figure in the state. One is a legal body who misuse the system by using their authorized power and another is illegal body who threaten to the life of the public by illegal means. But both are the parallel body equally responsible for destroying the system and they act against the survival of public. Millitants take 2-10% of our money or property. Now lets find out how much our politicians, doctors, engineers are deducting from us..20-50 %.
It is the only public who can stop such parallel govt. both legal and illegal from misusing their power. We should show that no one is above the public force whether they are teacher, lecture, doctor or politicians.
They exist because of the public not vice versa!!
thanks for the comment but would appreciate if you can drop the comment in english...I couldn't read chinese but thanks to google translator...