Mamang leikai thabal satle
Khoimuna elle khoiraba
Sana leibak manipur
Onthokpa lebak oikhare
Thabak paikhare meitei lakha taruk
Chak chanaba toktuna
Machagi mana hutpagi
Maik khongba leptuna
Karkhanagi yaklaba khonjelda
Chinglai kiduna chenkhare
Onthokpa leibak oikhare
Onthokpa meitei oikhare
Mamang leikai thabal satle
Khoimuna elle khoiraba!
Phamkhidare meitei officeki manakta
Churut panna leikhidare
Kannadare khalle kerani
Athuba file pharuba
Meegi machagi scholarshipki
Onthokpa meitei oikhare
Mamang leikai thabal satle
Khoimuna elle khoiraba!
Koichen chenba tokhare
Ayukta nungthilda ahingda
Ngarang ngarang ngangdare
Mamangthongda maningthongda makhathongda
Oiroidoure TT road,
Kunshuba satbdigi manungda,
Apuk ollakle thikadar,
Mangba tarre thong ashe
Eina hapliba bilambatisidi
Apuk ollakle engineer
Oh mangba tarre,
Leibak ashi eina sariba yumsidi,
Onthokpa meitei oikhare
Onthokpa leibak oikhare
Mamang leikai thabal satle
Khoimuna elle khoiraba!
Mamagi sengao pukhibagum
Soukhare police inspector,
Meegi nupigi ezzat manghanba
Leibakpu samaj bu ushitabani,
Matadi pharage khankhare,
Onthokpa meitei oikhare
Onthokpa leibak oikhare
Mamang leikai thabal satle
Khoimuna elle khoiraba!
Thabaki meichrang paibada
Amana amabu unadre,
chingleibake lamdamse,
Karkhana gi khonjelse,
Chinglon mapan lankhare,
Onthokpa meitei oikhare
Onthokpa leibak oikhare
Mamang leikai thabal satle
Khoimuna elle khoiraba
Yengu meitei doctor se
Notphet touba maithongse
Meichak khangba ngamdraba
Sollaba anaba ashida
Louba khongba toktuna
Nouduna themduna hanglibase
Patalgi doctorse hairibara
Eikhoigi hospitalgi doctorsibu
Onthokpa meitei oikhare
Onthokpa leibak oikhare
Mamang leikai thabal satle
Khoimuna elle khoiraba
Changu changuba maphamda
Meitei punghong honglamle,
Pumshil shilamle cooperative
Leiramdare amatasu hanagi meesingdo,
Mashak masha khangdaba
Anouba ngakta oiramle,
Loan shingba ngamdaba
amangba cooperative leikhidre
Onthokpa meitei oikhare
Onthokpa leibak oikhare
Mamang leikai thabal satle
Khoimuna elle khoiraba
Mapuk hongkhre khwairamband dikandar yaraktare
Khangle metei lingjel mannakhre yararoi
Fix price toklasi
Achimba mammal lourasi khanakhre
Toh kitna achcha hua hai
Keithel karuba pumnamak
Harao haroo na hannare
Angakpa leibak oikhare
Angakpa leibak oikhare,
Onthokpa leibak oikhare
Mamang leikai thabal satle
Khoimuna elle khoiraba
Ojana leirik tambire
Chatrana note toudare
Oja makok kaidare
Parikhya parikhya khudingda
Ahana angang kidare,
Lambi chatpa hangoidare,
Anouba meitei oikhare,
Anouba leibak oikhare,
Mamang leikai thabal satle
Khoimuna elle khoiraba
.......A poem by Laishram Samarendra!!
Just hoping for a new day to come to give the right to live for the Manipuris. Looking for a permanant change which will erase the noise of the gunshots from the memories of the next generation!! Isn't it a high time we stand together to resist against this constant flow of the killing field?? Isn't it our duty to thrive for the right, we are destined to live with on this earth?? Who the hell are they to snatch our right to live and tear us apart from each other?? We had enough!! F**k them off from this earth. F**k their guns and let them also learn the meaning of life!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Something About you!!
I know things are not working just the way you hope and think. Life is not so beautiful just way you dreamt of. As the one you love and trust left you and thrown you out from her life without even thinking a second. I can feel the pain in your heart and I can understand how much you are suffered even though I stayed too far from you. I could sense the loneliness which you tend to kill every single day and night. But I also want to know that is it worth to waste your life for a person who left you behind without even bothering whether you will be able to wake up again with your all senses? I know you are brave enough to get through any circumstances and yes, you are a brave heart to me. You never accept defeat in your life as far as I know you. You gave hope to so many people and you bring so many changes in other’s life then why do you feel that you should live a dim life just to make sure yourself that you still love her. I can proudly say that you gave a new meaning to my life. I would never be the person I’m today; if I have not met you some years back. Love is not all about going and meeting to a destination you dreamt of. She is not the one who deserves a person like you so she left you. It is not that you don’t deserve her. It is all depend on how you look at life!!
Sometime seeing you depressed and lonely make me so upset but I never let you know that I do care for you because it won’t make a sense to you. I know it is very easy to say to forget her but I will not say that. I can only tell you to nurture the love you have for her because it is very pure and beautiful and try to grow through it. Do not only think that she left you and you are nowhere. She would not be expecting you to live in such a way. She still might not like you indulging in drinking habit and also she will not accept you making plan to kill yourself because of her. What will you prove at the end of the day? Nothing, there is nothing you can prove to her or to yourself. There is one reason to make you sad in your life but thousand reasons are there to make you happy and content with yourself and with the one who love you and care for you. Please remember that you are worth to the lives of thousand people, not only your family, friends but also to many people who are waiting for you in a strange land to bring a smile on their lips. There are many dreams hiding behind your eyes, let’s fulfill it when the time is not too late. I know there will come a time where only good things will shower in your life and you will be enjoying the fruit of what you have ever given to the others. And the God knows that you deserve that beautiful life you ever dreamt of. Things may be different from the one you dream but who knows if it is much prettier than your dream. Life is born only once and I’m fortunate to know a person like you. I also adore the special feelings that I have for you but I’m bit different from you as I would not accept the way you doom your life. I even don’t know why I’m writing all this in this space but I thought you would read what I think about you and how much important you are to me. I can only carry the innocent smile and purity in your eyes as a memory of you. I don’t wish to have a memory of you which will make your life ugly and meaningless. That may be the reason I sacrifice some time here in my office to write down these few words for you which just popped up in my mind in the first morning.
I’m adhered to my words. I will stand by your side no matter what comes in your way.
Sometime seeing you depressed and lonely make me so upset but I never let you know that I do care for you because it won’t make a sense to you. I know it is very easy to say to forget her but I will not say that. I can only tell you to nurture the love you have for her because it is very pure and beautiful and try to grow through it. Do not only think that she left you and you are nowhere. She would not be expecting you to live in such a way. She still might not like you indulging in drinking habit and also she will not accept you making plan to kill yourself because of her. What will you prove at the end of the day? Nothing, there is nothing you can prove to her or to yourself. There is one reason to make you sad in your life but thousand reasons are there to make you happy and content with yourself and with the one who love you and care for you. Please remember that you are worth to the lives of thousand people, not only your family, friends but also to many people who are waiting for you in a strange land to bring a smile on their lips. There are many dreams hiding behind your eyes, let’s fulfill it when the time is not too late. I know there will come a time where only good things will shower in your life and you will be enjoying the fruit of what you have ever given to the others. And the God knows that you deserve that beautiful life you ever dreamt of. Things may be different from the one you dream but who knows if it is much prettier than your dream. Life is born only once and I’m fortunate to know a person like you. I also adore the special feelings that I have for you but I’m bit different from you as I would not accept the way you doom your life. I even don’t know why I’m writing all this in this space but I thought you would read what I think about you and how much important you are to me. I can only carry the innocent smile and purity in your eyes as a memory of you. I don’t wish to have a memory of you which will make your life ugly and meaningless. That may be the reason I sacrifice some time here in my office to write down these few words for you which just popped up in my mind in the first morning.
I’m adhered to my words. I will stand by your side no matter what comes in your way.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
My boss is a MCP!!
Working with an MCP is the terrible experience one can ever have. His mind is full of negative thoughts and he feels sad and insecure seeing his female colleaugue, also with the one who provided a truthful answer to his silly and meaningless question. Even I had to suffer from the syptoms of his diseases of MCP. I used to argue with him a lot but it is more like a fighting with a pig in the mud. Just getting dirty and the pig enjoying with the dirtiness. I lose more of my eneergy while arguing everyday than working in the office. But I feel that that in life it is very necessary to learn the lesson " how to deal with a MCP or idiot". It is a pleasure to see them sometime, the way he fooled himself to show his man ego. But tired and at the end of the day I'm left with no energy to go for class and give attention.
But I have learnt the lesson of dealing with a man who is more like a pig. that's a human pig sitting in the AC room. First ever pig from IIT and also a scholar from Netherland.
I still have lots of hope to go ahead. Even the pig got ph.d degree in Netherland :)
But I have learnt the lesson of dealing with a man who is more like a pig. that's a human pig sitting in the AC room. First ever pig from IIT and also a scholar from Netherland.
I still have lots of hope to go ahead. Even the pig got ph.d degree in Netherland :)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Ngaikhidara punshisida laklaroidaba
Loushibasu ngamde nangbu eigi oina
Haidokpasu ngamde echil sina nangbu
Meegi oikhro haina.
Yaorami kannasu nangbu pamjaba
Leirami nangisu thamoi gi khoidaba
Semkhi punshi leipunsu mega.
Leihoukhi eina thamoi meichak khangna
Lamhenba eigi thamoina
Sennaba ngamdaba karamba meekupta
Chamlaba marise nungshiba oikhriba.
Nahakpu eigini haidabasu ngamde
Loushibasu ngamde nangbu eigi oina
Haidokpasu ngamde echilsina nangbu
Meegi oikhro haina.
Udrabasu leingamde nangbu yaodana
Kainasu tarri nongmadi soidana…..!!
Khallaroi khankhraba magi wakhal
Karigi adum ningshingduna leiri
Meemangdagi lapthokhraba mabu
Karigi yenge khanna ngairiba…!!
Ngaikhigadra punshisina laklaroidaba mabu
Nongoubi chekla gum
Amangba nongbu yengduna..
Punshi pandom lomkhrada…!!
Chatkhrabasu ephamdagi lapna
Oikhrabasu lamlanbi kannagi
Leihourani thamoinungda nangi nungshibadi
Mabu amuk hanna!!
Loushibasu ngamde nangbu eigi oina
Haidokpasu ngamde echil sina nangbu
Meegi oikhro haina !!
Haidokpasu ngamde echil sina nangbu
Meegi oikhro haina.
Yaorami kannasu nangbu pamjaba
Leirami nangisu thamoi gi khoidaba
Semkhi punshi leipunsu mega.
Leihoukhi eina thamoi meichak khangna
Lamhenba eigi thamoina
Sennaba ngamdaba karamba meekupta
Chamlaba marise nungshiba oikhriba.
Nahakpu eigini haidabasu ngamde
Loushibasu ngamde nangbu eigi oina
Haidokpasu ngamde echilsina nangbu
Meegi oikhro haina.
Udrabasu leingamde nangbu yaodana
Kainasu tarri nongmadi soidana…..!!
Khallaroi khankhraba magi wakhal
Karigi adum ningshingduna leiri
Meemangdagi lapthokhraba mabu
Karigi yenge khanna ngairiba…!!
Ngaikhigadra punshisina laklaroidaba mabu
Nongoubi chekla gum
Amangba nongbu yengduna..
Punshi pandom lomkhrada…!!
Chatkhrabasu ephamdagi lapna
Oikhrabasu lamlanbi kannagi
Leihourani thamoinungda nangi nungshibadi
Mabu amuk hanna!!
Loushibasu ngamde nangbu eigi oina
Haidokpasu ngamde echil sina nangbu
Meegi oikhro haina !!
Monday, July 20, 2009
You are the one!!
You are the one
I chose to love
You are one
I chose to walk with
Till the death!!
No matter how steep the road ahead
I will always follow you
No matter how you forget to remember me
I will always wait for you
No matter how tall the wall ahead of me
I will climb to reach you!!
Without you
I have no life
Without your laughter
I almost died
Without you
I seek for the end!!
I chose to love
You are one
I chose to walk with
Till the death!!
No matter how steep the road ahead
I will always follow you
No matter how you forget to remember me
I will always wait for you
No matter how tall the wall ahead of me
I will climb to reach you!!
Without you
I have no life
Without your laughter
I almost died
Without you
I seek for the end!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Something gotta give!!
It is not that I heard the untold words of you.
It is not that I dream for something which you have not shared with me!
You are the woman to love, you are not the kind of woman who would accept the defeat from petty things.But you seem to forget that you are making me that petty thing which you feel disgusted. I don't want somebody treat as use and throw disposable glass. I remember you know the person I'm. Don't praise with the words which doesn't suit me. Don't promise for something which you don't have. Finally I want to free myself from all such relationship which is mere impossible and I know this too, you are not the man who is brave enough to stand for me and give a name. I want to live and concentrate in my life. hope you understand....and I hope you won't mind it...
I hate the promise which are made to break....I hate any commitment which you will do to save yourself...Let's be fair to each other...let's leave each other and breath the free oxygen...I don't want to suffocate in such things which has no worth to me...Don't call me again you are the woman to love...I know I'm not the woman to love...yes, please agree with my opinion that I'm not easily flattered with a comment nor I bogged down from somebody's not so good treatment...I know at the end of the day you have only one bend your head in front of me...
This time I have nothing to give you...even my forgiveness...
Please make sure that you are strong enough to stand for that Sometime I should forget to show my sympathy to me anything but I' running away from that relation which you are afraid to give a name...
It is not that I dream for something which you have not shared with me!
You are the woman to love, you are not the kind of woman who would accept the defeat from petty things.But you seem to forget that you are making me that petty thing which you feel disgusted. I don't want somebody treat as use and throw disposable glass. I remember you know the person I'm. Don't praise with the words which doesn't suit me. Don't promise for something which you don't have. Finally I want to free myself from all such relationship which is mere impossible and I know this too, you are not the man who is brave enough to stand for me and give a name. I want to live and concentrate in my life. hope you understand....and I hope you won't mind it...
I hate the promise which are made to break....I hate any commitment which you will do to save yourself...Let's be fair to each other...let's leave each other and breath the free oxygen...I don't want to suffocate in such things which has no worth to me...Don't call me again you are the woman to love...I know I'm not the woman to love...yes, please agree with my opinion that I'm not easily flattered with a comment nor I bogged down from somebody's not so good treatment...I know at the end of the day you have only one bend your head in front of me...
This time I have nothing to give you...even my forgiveness...
Please make sure that you are strong enough to stand for that Sometime I should forget to show my sympathy to me anything but I' running away from that relation which you are afraid to give a name...
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
School ransacked, students protest
Imphal, July 08 2009: Unidentified miscreants last night ransacked the properties of Youngstar Dynamic English School at Angtha under Yairipok Police Station.
In protest against the incident, students of the school today boycotted their classes and staged a Wakat Meepham appealing to all concerned to ensure such incidents are not repeated.

Source: The Sangai Express
Students raise slogans to denounce the attack at their school
According to information received by the press, the miscreants not only damaged all the furniture items in the class rooms of the school, having class from nursery to X standard with a total strength of 600 students, but also the typewriters kept in the staff room.
Moreover, the fencing of the school compound had been destroyed and the clothes in the chowkidar's room torn apart.
The governing body of the school has formally lodged a complaint in this connection with the Yairipok Police Station.
Along with a spot verification, the police have also registered a case and investigation is on to nab the culprits.
Meanwhile, in protest against ransacking of the school properties, students of the school today boycotted their classes and staged a Wakat Meepham in the school campus.
Apart from putting up placards inscribed with slogans like 'We condemn attack on school', 'Don't look at students as enemies', 'We want to study in peace', 'School is our temple', etc, the students also raised denouncing the ransacking of school properties.
In protest against the incident, students of the school today boycotted their classes and staged a Wakat Meepham appealing to all concerned to ensure such incidents are not repeated.

Source: The Sangai Express
Students raise slogans to denounce the attack at their school
According to information received by the press, the miscreants not only damaged all the furniture items in the class rooms of the school, having class from nursery to X standard with a total strength of 600 students, but also the typewriters kept in the staff room.
Moreover, the fencing of the school compound had been destroyed and the clothes in the chowkidar's room torn apart.
The governing body of the school has formally lodged a complaint in this connection with the Yairipok Police Station.
Along with a spot verification, the police have also registered a case and investigation is on to nab the culprits.
Meanwhile, in protest against ransacking of the school properties, students of the school today boycotted their classes and staged a Wakat Meepham in the school campus.
Apart from putting up placards inscribed with slogans like 'We condemn attack on school', 'Don't look at students as enemies', 'We want to study in peace', 'School is our temple', etc, the students also raised denouncing the ransacking of school properties.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Free from your cage!!
You think I write poem for you,
You think I sacrifice my smile for you,
You think I dig into
the mud to find a diamond for you,
For you who let me drown
into the sea of tears and pains,
May be you are the last person I could ever love,
May be you are last man I could found as human,
Nevertheless to worry,
I sigh off from the promise I made to myself,
Promise to stand besides you,
Till the death do us apart,
Let my heart break into pieces,
And I can still bear a smile,
I can lost myself with to that ecstasy,
And drink my tears
But still says let it be,
So that it will never fall in love again,
I will face the every single trouble alone,
And kiss the thorn,
Which stops my footsteps,
So that I would be scared to face another you,
But I would never stand besides you again,
For the reasons known to you,
Years are gone,
Many things have changed,
Between you and me,
But the word “we” could never come between us,
I might cry for you,
Without knowing the price of my tears,
I might succumb to the pain of departing you forever,
But I would never let you see the tears,
I would never let you weep it away,
I would never let you heal the pain inside,
With a tender touch of yours,
Let this life spent in vain,
Let you call me a nun,
Let you name me a half-woman,
But I would never come across again in your way,
Just the way you dream of,
I’m not the one who you draw,
In your tiny heart,
There, I could never live,
There, I could never breathe,
The heart you own is too tiny,
The mind you possess is too limited,
That’s not the place I suit to,
That’s not the place I should live,
That’s the reason I free myself from your cage!!
You think I sacrifice my smile for you,
You think I dig into
the mud to find a diamond for you,
For you who let me drown
into the sea of tears and pains,
May be you are the last person I could ever love,
May be you are last man I could found as human,
Nevertheless to worry,
I sigh off from the promise I made to myself,
Promise to stand besides you,
Till the death do us apart,
Let my heart break into pieces,
And I can still bear a smile,
I can lost myself with to that ecstasy,
And drink my tears
But still says let it be,
So that it will never fall in love again,
I will face the every single trouble alone,
And kiss the thorn,
Which stops my footsteps,
So that I would be scared to face another you,
But I would never stand besides you again,
For the reasons known to you,
Years are gone,
Many things have changed,
Between you and me,
But the word “we” could never come between us,
I might cry for you,
Without knowing the price of my tears,
I might succumb to the pain of departing you forever,
But I would never let you see the tears,
I would never let you weep it away,
I would never let you heal the pain inside,
With a tender touch of yours,
Let this life spent in vain,
Let you call me a nun,
Let you name me a half-woman,
But I would never come across again in your way,
Just the way you dream of,
I’m not the one who you draw,
In your tiny heart,
There, I could never live,
There, I could never breathe,
The heart you own is too tiny,
The mind you possess is too limited,
That’s not the place I suit to,
That’s not the place I should live,
That’s the reason I free myself from your cage!!
When Moirang khamba meet Krishna!!
He must be shouting for his root,
He must be craving for his tribe,
He must be asking machem Khamnu,
Where he was born?
Where he belonged?
Mathura or Moirang?
I dream of pure love,
like that of khamba-thoibi,
the eternal sacrifice of two lovers,
I listen to Moirang-Parva,
To get a glimpse of their love story,
I cry for Khamnu
on how she suffered
and how she brought up Khamba,
I crave for the courage of Thoibi,
Who defied convention
and married Khamba,
The woman who defeated
the villain Nongban,
For her true love,
But it was a famous poet,
who threw me into trouble,
Who made me lost again,
In another myth,
Quite far away from what I heard,
I remember my grandma telling me her story,
the story of Khamba-Thoibi,
I still think she was right,
I still am mesmerised
with the beauty of Thoibi,
But he taught me lately,
the famous poet,
who wrote that myth,
How Khamba met Krishna,
How they play the Ras Lila,
The reincarnation of Krishna as Khamba,
Krishna came to Moirang,
Than when I lost my way,
Now I see Radha
Playing Holi with Khamba
And Khamba flirting with the Gopis,
Now I run after that myth,
which is connected to my root,
Now I question that history,
which was written as history only,
Still it can't answer,
Where Khamba belonged?
Where he met Krishna,
How he played the Ras Lila,
In front of Thanjing Mandap,
You have to come back
and answer me,
You have to re-write your book,
You have to re-sing the Moirang-Parva,
I'm still waiting,
How you would explain,
Khamba playing holi with Radha,
and flirting with Gopis,
You have to reason,
Why Khamba was crying,
For the made-to-believe myth!!
.....One of the most shocking piece of manipur literature was found out few days back in a very famous book. Giving title of Shri shri shri to Khamba, a meitie hero in one of the biggest epic of meitie... I just wanted to ask the poet to rewrite the moiang parva....
He must be craving for his tribe,
He must be asking machem Khamnu,
Where he was born?
Where he belonged?
Mathura or Moirang?
I dream of pure love,
like that of khamba-thoibi,
the eternal sacrifice of two lovers,
I listen to Moirang-Parva,
To get a glimpse of their love story,
I cry for Khamnu
on how she suffered
and how she brought up Khamba,
I crave for the courage of Thoibi,
Who defied convention
and married Khamba,
The woman who defeated
the villain Nongban,
For her true love,
But it was a famous poet,
who threw me into trouble,
Who made me lost again,
In another myth,
Quite far away from what I heard,
I remember my grandma telling me her story,
the story of Khamba-Thoibi,
I still think she was right,
I still am mesmerised
with the beauty of Thoibi,
But he taught me lately,
the famous poet,
who wrote that myth,
How Khamba met Krishna,
How they play the Ras Lila,
The reincarnation of Krishna as Khamba,
Krishna came to Moirang,
Than when I lost my way,
Now I see Radha
Playing Holi with Khamba
And Khamba flirting with the Gopis,
Now I run after that myth,
which is connected to my root,
Now I question that history,
which was written as history only,
Still it can't answer,
Where Khamba belonged?
Where he met Krishna,
How he played the Ras Lila,
In front of Thanjing Mandap,
You have to come back
and answer me,
You have to re-write your book,
You have to re-sing the Moirang-Parva,
I'm still waiting,
How you would explain,
Khamba playing holi with Radha,
and flirting with Gopis,
You have to reason,
Why Khamba was crying,
For the made-to-believe myth!!
.....One of the most shocking piece of manipur literature was found out few days back in a very famous book. Giving title of Shri shri shri to Khamba, a meitie hero in one of the biggest epic of meitie... I just wanted to ask the poet to rewrite the moiang parva....
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