Thursday, December 31, 2009

An exciting beginning!!

Wishing all my friends and love ones a very happy and prosperous New Year!!

The Sangai Express New Year message to the people is one of the most meaningful and important wish for all the Manipuris. Kudos to Satya Hijam. We desperately pray for a year ahead free from killing. It does not matter whether they are civilians, Police or millitants. At the end of the war we should remember that whoever killed is a human and the war is between humans which led to the lost of a valuable life. Which creates a hole in a family; which produced traumatized family, their hurt can never be healed for this lifetime.

Last night party with only two of my closest friend was one of the best parties I ever had in life. It was a good beginning of the year with typical style of celebrating New Year. Of course, No controversy in the year end party!! I don't want to listen to back stabbing comments afterwards. A small fire work in the terrace accompanied with wine and finger licking Butter chicken, prepared by my friend. Only thing we were missing in the party was our friend and sweetheart Shreema. I wish she was here with us in Delhi and our party would have been of more fun.
Early morning SMS

When I was getting ready for office, a new year wish from a friend made me laugh so loudly recieve one of the most funniest (but true) wish from a friend.

It reads as
 “Wishing you a very warm anger free and fight free 2010...May the new year brings you lots of smiles...”
Yeah! I really need a peaceful year ahead with lots of laughter and smile. Thanks for the true wish. I'm praying for anger free and fight free year ahead. I think I did enough of all these stuffs in 2009...!!
Thanks for bringing a big smile on my lips before I start my day. May the unseen divine shower your life with thousand reasons to keep you smile throughout the year!!

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